
Sunday, 31 July 2022

Google, Computer, Mobile, Virus...These are not words, they are short forms - do you know their real meaning?

Tech Words Full Form: In our everyday life, using internet on mobile or computer, we keep on searching every small and big thing on Google. But do you know that words like computer or mobile also have a full form. Yes! All these words have a full form in themselves, which we call in short forms for our convenience and now we have become so used to it that most people do not even know their full form. Let us know the full forms of some such words.



To find anything on the Internet, we all first go to Google. But do you know what is the full name of Google? The full name of Google is Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth.


In today's time, we all use mobile. With which the SIM card is very important to talk. The full name of SIM is Subscriber Identification Module.


Internet full name? Yes internet is not a complete word by itself. This is the short form of Interconnected Network.


Ever wanted to know the full name of the computer on which you get the knowledge of the whole world. The full form of computer is "Common Operating Machine Purposely used for Technological and Educational Research".


Like computer and internet, mobile also has a full form. The full form of mobile is Modified Operation Byte Integration Limited Energy.


We are present in everyone's house from computer to TV. In today's time, monitors and TVs of LCD or LED screens are in trend. The full form of LCD is Liquid-crystal display and the full form of LED is Light-emitting diode.

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To connect any device like mouse, keyboard to computer or laptop, we need a USB port. The full form of USB is Universal Serial Bus.


Sometimes our system gets damaged or starts working slow. In such a situation, the technician comes and tells us that there is a lot of virus in it. But do you know the full form of VIRUS. The full name of VIRUS is Vital Information Resources Under Siege.

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